在Python里函数和其他东西一样都是对象 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 | #coding:UTF8 print issubclass ( int , object ) True def foo(): pass print foo.__class__ # 1 < type 'function' > print issubclass (foo.__class__, object ) True |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 | #coding:UTF8 def add(x, y): return x + y def sub(x, y): return x - y def apply (func, x, y): # 1 return func(x, y) # 2 print apply (add, 2 , 1 ) # 3 3 print apply (sub, 2 , 1 ) 1 |
在#1处看到函数准备接收一个函数的变量,只是一个普通的变量而已,和其他变量一样,在#2处调用传进来的函数:"()代表这调用函数的操作并且调用变量包含额值.在#3处,能看到传递函数并没有特殊的用法".函数的名称只是跟其他变量一样的标识符而已Python把频繁要用的操作变成函数作为参数进行使用,向通过传递一个函数给内置排序函数的key参数 从而 来自定义排序规则
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 | #coding:UTF8 def outer(): def inner(): print "Inside inner" return inner # 1 foo = outer() #2 print foo <function inner at 0x000000000269C048 > foo() Inside inner |
在#1处恰好是函数标识符的变量inner作为返回值返回出来 "把函数inner返回出来,否则它根本不可能会被调用到" 每次函数outer呗调用,函数inner都会被重新定义,如果它不被当做变量返回额话,每次执行过后将不复存在在#2处捕获返回值--函数inner,将它存在一个新的变量foo里.当对foo进行求值,确定包含函数inner,而且能够对它进行调用
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 | #coding:UTF8 def outer(): x = 1 def inner(): print x # 1 return inner foo = outer() print foo.func_closure (<cell at 0x00000000026861F8 : int object at 0x0000000001E279A8 >,) |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 | #coding:UTF8 def outer(x): def inner(): print x # 1 return inner print1 = outer( 1 ) print2 = outer( 2 ) print1() 1 print2() 2 |
装饰器其实就是一个闭包,把一个函数当做参数然后返回一个替代版参数 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 | #coding:UTF8 def outer(func): def inner(): print "before func" ret = func() # 1 return ret + 1 return inner def foo(): return 1 decorated = outer(foo) # 2 print decorated() before func 2 |
1 | foo = outer(foo) |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 | #coding:UTF8 import time def bar(): time.sleep( 2 ) print ( 'in the bar' ) def test2(func): print (func) return func # print(test2(bar)) bar = test2(bar) bar() #run bar <function bar at 0x00000000026BCF98 > in the bar |
10. 使用 @ 标识符将装饰器应用到函数和利用*args and **kwargs
Python2.4支持使用标识符@将装饰器应用在函数上,只需要在函数的定义前加上@和装饰器的名称。在上一节的例子里我们是将原本的方法用装饰后的方法代替: 1 | bar = test2(bar) |
import timedef test2(func): print(func) return func@test2def bar(): time.sleep(2) print('in the bar')bar() #run bar_______________________________________________________________________________
import timedef timer(func): #timer(test1) func=test1 def deco(*args,**kwargs): start_time=time.time() func(*args,**kwargs) #run test1() stop_time = time.time() print("the func run time is %s" %(stop_time-start_time)) return deco@timer #test1=timer(test1)def test1(): time.sleep(1) print('in the test1')@timer # test2 = timer(test2) = deco test2(name) =deco(name)def test2(name,age): print("test2:",name,age)test1()test2("Tom",22)in the test1the func run time is 1.05200004578('test2:', 'Tom', 22)the func run time is 0.0_______________________________________________________________________________
import timeuser,passwd = 'hbert','abc'def auth(auth_type): print("auth func:",auth_type) def outer_wrapper(func): def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): #print("wrapper func args:", *args, **kwargs) if auth_type == "local": username = raw_input("Username:").strip() password = raw_input("Password:").strip() if user == username and passwd == password: print("\033[32;1mUser has passed authentication\033[0m") res = func(*args, **kwargs) # from home print("---after authenticaion ") return res else: exit("\033[31;1mInvalid username or password\033[0m") elif auth_type == "ldap": print("搞毛线ldap,不会。。。。") return wrapper return outer_wrapperdef index(): print("welcome to index page")@auth(auth_type="local") # home = wrapper()def home(): print("welcome to home page") return "from home"@auth(auth_type="ldap")def bbs(): print("welcome to bbs page")index()print(home()) #wrapper()bbs()